Monday, October 18, 2010

I guess I am not a very good blogger!

So we have been here for almost a month and I have written one post, ha! I guess that’s not very good. 

We have seen quite a few new things since we have been here, though I admit it is not as different as I thought it would be.  I am definitely missing my family, and my friends but I am getting through! I should be starting a new job shortly so it will be nice to get out of the house. I have also looked into joining a Mom and Tot swim group so I can hopefully meet some other Moms.

With a new job coming up I was able to go online and do a bit of shopping for “business casual” clothes, this is kind of like a initiation to living in Iqaluit (ordering online), ha-ha. It’s amazing the things that you take advantage of when you live down south. I think that is a big part of feeling isolated up here, the realization that you can’t just go out and get anything you want! You have to either order it online or wait until you are able to fly out to Ottawa etc. Plus it takes about 3 weeks to get anything sent here, by the time you get it you’ve almost forgotten that you ordered it in the first place! lol. The other thing is that you can’t just order from anywhere because if a store does not offer free shipping without any fine print, then you will spend a ton on shipping. I was able to order from and (new!) with free shipping so that was good. 

Ryan and I will be looking for our own place in January or so and I am freaking out about how we are going to get all the things we need for a house here without spending a fortune!  We will be checking out local yard sales for sure! They are apparently common in the spring and fall, but we may have more difficulty in the winter.  We will figure it out though!  You can get things here for the home, they are just expensive and there is not much in terms of selection…

We went for brunch a couple of Sundays ago at the Frobisher, that was really nice. A huge buffet with everything from Eggs Benedict to Arctic Char, definitely a good feed! Kaitlyn enjoyed it to, she was able to try char and Caribou!

We are enjoying being able to see friends on MSN and Skype with video, that really really helps! Well have to go for now, Kaitlyn is a busy bee!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The First Week

Wow its been a long while since I last wrote.  I have been keeping myself busy, trying to make sure things are done around the house, etc.  Kaitlyn’s schedule is all out of whack too, so I’m never sure when she will be sleeping.  We have been in Iqaluit now for 1 week and 2 days.  Ryan has been working for 1 week today and is enjoying keeping busy and being paid for all the time he is there instead of back in ON where he would get paid for 2 out of 8 hours…

We miss home and it feels strange that we are not going to be going home in a couple days, lol!  I have this constant feeling of rushing around, just because I feel like we don’t have time to just sit around!  Hopefully things will feel a little bit more adjusted and comfortable in a couple of weeks. We are enjoying it up here though, its different for sure, but it doesn’t feel all that different when we are at home with our family, its just the same as anywhere.  There is actually a lot more to the town then we thought there would be!  I find it really confusing to get around because there aren’t really any major intersections or anything, roads kind of go all over the place and some places you have to drive through parking lots etc. to get to. I’m sure we will get the hang of it soon enough though.  I have mostly been at the house so it will probably take me a little longer to get the hang of it then Ryan.  I have been out a couple times to Matt and Katie’s so that was nice.  Saturday we drove around and saw Apex, and the National park just outside of town, which was beautiful!!! Apex was interesting, there is a beach there where they used to bring freight in via the Hudson’s Bay Company, there are some really neat buildings there with old old signs on them that say the Hudson’s Bay Company 1670 on them. (these pictures I just found on google)

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Anyways, they were really neat, complete with an old steel boat washed up on shore. 

I went for some testing for the Stats Canada job I have been hoping for on Friday, so I am hoping I hear good news about that soon.  We have done some grocery shopping and have endured some major sticker shock, lol! Even when you know what to expect it is crazy to see the prices first hand.  Well I have to go for now Kaitlyn is up, I will try to write again soon!